Tuesday, February 5, 2008

How to Purchase a World of Warcraft Account on eBay, and Not Get Ripped Off

World Of Warcraft Joanas 1-70 Horde Guide. Joanas 1-70 Horde Power Leveling Guide For World Of Warcraft.

Anyone playing World of Warcraft knows that in comparison to other MMOs the leveling time is vastly reduced. While getting a character to 60 is not nearly as hard, getting the high-end gear can be just as time consuming as any other game on the market. Even the PvP route now takes a time investment that most players can’t dedicate. The solution for players who want the nice gear, but don’t have the time, is to buy an account. Unfortunately, any time money is involved in an online transaction, so are the fraudsters. This guide will show you how to protect yourself against people whose sole intention is to rip you off.

Account buying is a multi-million dollar business. Regardless of the grief the top level players give to those in game they believe have purchased an account, there’s nothing they can do to stop it. Some guilds will prevent people with purchased accounts from joining, but in reality, most of the high-end accounts already have the best gear you could get anyway. For every guild who would block a player from joining, there are ten who would take them just for the sheer advantage of having an end-game geared player.

If you’ve already decided to take the shortcut of buying an account, there are several factors you need to consider before you hit buy it now, or enter a bid. Is the server active, are there long lines for log in, and for battle grounds? Does the gear on the character equate to the price the seller wants? Is the class in high demand for the type of playing you want to engage in? How far ahead of the playing curve is the players gear (tier 2 vs tier 1)?

Once you’ve found an account you want to purchase, you need to run down the following checklist to protect yourself from fraud. Does the account for sale provide any screen shots to backup their character and item claims? Was the sellers account created a few days before the listing? Does the account come with the discs or the answer to the secret question? Does the seller only accept money orders, cashier’s checks, or wire transfer? Is the seller located in the United States? Has the seller marked the auction as a private? Will the seller provide you a phone number if you ask?

The final process in buying an account you want, is to put as many safeguards as you can in place. It’s very easy for a seller to take back an account from a buyer. There is not a whole lot you can do in a situation like this, as the seller has intended to rip you off from the start, and has planed accordingly. If you prepare yourself to get ripped off from the start, the odds are against the seller getting away with it.

Pay with Paypal. Don’t use a casher’s check, money order, or wire transfer. Once those have been sent, your money is gone. Paypal offers some level of protection for you as a buyer.

Use a credit card in conjunction with your paypal account. On top of the protection from paypal, your credit card company can help you reverse the charges in the case of fraud. If you don’t have a credit card, open a bank account with a visa, or mastercard debit card. These offer the same protections as a credit card. Don’t use a balance funded paypal account. Move the money down to your back account, and force paypal to use your credit card.

Don’t even bother threatening the seller. Just file with paypal, and the credit card company. Emailed threats are of no use, just get your money back the second you try to log on and the password has been changed. You won’t get your money back instantly, but you will get it back.

Turn on the flamethrowers and burn the seller in every way possible. Paypal and your credit card company will both open investigations into the transaction. You can also get your state’s Attorney General, local police, and the FBI involved. It takes you virtually no time, costs you nothing, and everything can be done via email or online forms. While nothing may come of this, in many cases, sellers do get caught and prosecuted.

Keep in mind, if you try to use this guide in reverse and scam a seller, you’ll be committing some pretty serious felonies. Being underage is not going to save you. Credit card companies come down on fraudsters like a ton of bricks. When you move cash around on the internet, it always comes from, and goes to someplace. It’s easier to track than you think it is. Don’t risk it.

Most of the time there is no problem with buying or selling accounts, but there are people out there who’s plan was to rip you off from the start. If you follow this guide, you will get your money back. Between paypal’s protection, and the protection the credit card companies offer, it is almost 100%.

Chris Yarbrough writes for Ebay Guides, a free resource site with hundreds of articles and guides. You can view all his guides at http://www.ebay-guides.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chris_Yarbrough http://EzineArticles.com/?How-to-Purchase-a-World-of-Warcraft-Account-on-eBay,-and-Not-Get-Ripped-Off&id=240398

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Sunday, February 3, 2008

World Of Warcraft Alliance Leveling Guide

Level guide to leveling in world of warcraft made easy.

World Of Warcraft Joanas 1-70 Horde Guide. Joanas 1-70 Horde Power Leveling Guide For World Of Warcraft.

Alliance of Azeroth! Prepare to conquer the World of Warcraft in much less time than ever before with Brian Kopp's World of Warcraft Alliance Leveling Guide!

If you have been playing an alliance character and is facing difficulty completing certain quests or is confuse about the right ways to level up, Brian Kopp's World of Warcraft Alliance Leveling Guide will teach you how to overcome the many different obstacles in World of Warcraft and power level to the maximum level in the shortest possible time.

Leveling in World Of Warcraft isn't difficult or time consuming, you only need to know the right routes and techniques...

Already one of the most impressive and highly sought after power leveling guides out there, Brian Kopp's World of Warcraft Alliance Leveling Guide has proven to be very thorough and very efficient with leveling any of the alliance races, classes and fractions in World of Warcraft.

The author of the guide, Brian Kopp who is also a seasoned professional in WoW, gives you a very complete and detailed set of guide that contains the same leveling strategies, questing patterns, techniques and secrets that he has personally use to ding himself to level 70 in under 9 days worldwide.

Warning: Do not have the belief that this leveling guide is in the same league with other free guides that just teach you how to grind. Grinding in World of Warcraft is already an outdated strategy and is a slow and painfully boring process.

Instead, this guide is a 90% quest oriented guide that contains in depth explanations of quests solutions, quests chains and fully illustrated maps with locations for every step of your leveling adventure.

Armed with 120 pages of step by step instructions, it tells you what to do, where to go and how to link them altogether to maximize your World of Warcraft experience in the fastest way possible.

With over 8 million gamers and so many elite players in World of Warcraft nowadays, you shouldn't continue to struggle from level to level.

So no matter if you are just a level 5 or a level 62 player, a copy of the Alliance World of Warcraft Leveling Guide can certainly help solve your quests frustrations and you will also find yourself definitely leveling up a lot faster.

For further information and reviews on Brian Kopp's World of Warcraft Alliance Leveling Guide, go to: [http://www.warcraftmasterypro.com]World of Warcraft Leveling Guides

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lee_Tuan_James http://EzineArticles.com/?World-Of-Warcraft-Alliance-Leveling-Guide&id=634242

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